
Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement of “Pressure Vessel Technology”

In order to protect the rights and interests of broad readers and authors, effectively prevent the occurrence of academic misconduct in our Journal, maintain the academic reputation of the Journal of “Pressure Vessel Technology”, and promote academic innovation and construction of academic atmosphere, the editorial department of “Pressure Vessel Technology” adopts “Academic Misconduct Literature Checking System (AMLC)” to check and select the manuscripts in the manuscript review process. Papers deemed as academic misconduct will be immediately rejected and disposed of appropriately. The specific identification standards and handling measures are announced as follows.

1 Standards for the identification of academic misconduct in papers

According to the CY/T 174-2019 “Academic Publishing Specification — Definition of Academic Misconduct for Journals”, the Journal of “Pressure Vessel Technology” recognizes the academic misconduct of papers as including the following contents in combination with the practice of our Journal. (1) Plagiarism: The act of using improper means to steal the opinions, data, images, research methods, verbal expressions, etc. of others and publish them in their own name;
(2) Forgery: the act of fabricating or making up false data or facts;
(3) Tampering: act of deliberate modification of data and facts to make them lose their authenticity;
(4) Improper signature: act of signature or ranking of authors that does not match the actual contribution to the paper;
(5) Multiple submissions for one manuscript: The act of submitting the same paper or multiple papers with minor differences to two or more journals, or to other journals within the agreed time limit;
(6) Repeated publication: the act of repeating the publication of his (or as one of the authors) content already published in the literature without explanation;
(7) Writing on behalf of the author: act of entrusting a third-party agency or others who have nothing to do with the content of the paper to write, submit, and repair a paper on behalf of the author;
(8) Disclosure: act of publishing a paper in violation of confidentiality regulations.

2 Handling of papers identified as academic misconduct

For the above-mentioned academic misconducts, our Journal will give the identification conclusion and handling method as follows according to the nature and severity of the academic misconduct and the corresponding process of the editorial department.
(1) For the paper that is ultimately identified as academic misconduct in a prudent manner, we will notify the author of it, and allow the author to make explanations and defenses on this issue before making a final decision.
(2) Minor academic misconduct: If the paper fails to pass the academic misconduct literature checking, the paper will be rejected directly and the author will be notified of it, and the author will be given criticism education and warning.
(3) General academic misconduct: If the paper has been accepted but has not been officially published, the paper’s qualification for acceptance will be cancelled and the paper will be rejected, and the author will be given a warning and the author’s qualification for submission will be cancelled for 1 year.
(4) Serious academic misconduct: If the paper has been published and has caused a bad influence, we will issue a manuscript withdrawal statement and withdraw the paper from the database of all journals; The author will be included in the blacklist of our journal and is forbidden to contribute papers to our journal for life; And we will report the matter to the author’s working unit and other scientific and technological journals in the field; If reputation loss or other losses are caused to our journal, we will reserve the right to continue to claim for compensation.
3 Handling of objection from the author of the paper
If the author of the paper disagrees with our journal’s results of identification and processing, he can submit a written application to our editorial department for review within 10 working days from the date of receipt of our notice (the journal will not accept the application if it is overdue), and the editorial department will invite experts to review the paper, make a final disposal opinion, and notify the author of the final disposal opinion.

4 Supplementary provisions

The above measures are implemented from the date of promulgation, and the editorial department of “Pressure Vessels” is responsible for interpretation.


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